February 15, 2011

WP7 support IE9, SkyDrive, deep Twitter integration, Kinect integration confirmed

During Microsoft's keynote at the Mobile World Congress 2011, and aside from the Nokia and Microsoft partnership, the company from Redmond have confirmed some new amazing stuff for their mobile ecosystem, Windows Phone 7. Things like IE9 support (and it's cool stuff that comes with it), deep Twitter integration, Kinect integration, and SkyDrive.

The first update for the ecosystem was also mentioned during the event. It will be coming in early March with Sprint and Verizon phones to be updated during the first half of 2011. The update is the one being talked about that will come with copy and paste. For more info click BGR on our trusty source links below.

The company have also confirmed some new cool stuff coming into the ecosystem (OS). Stuff like IE9 support and the stuff that IE9 has like HTML5, hardware acceleration and whatnots. A new multitasking feature will also be coming to the OS, you know, switching from different applications while you are currently in an app.

The deeper Twitter integration will also be coming. By deeper, they mean that most of the WP7's hub will be integrated with Twitter, that is how I understand it. Also SkyDrive is coming, which will have a single sing-in feature. 

And then the Kinect integration. To get an idea of the technology and how a smartphone will be used for the Microsoft Kinect, watch the technology's preview.

Source: BGR, Neowin


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