November 1, 2010

Nintendo has no plans of cutting prices on the Wii "in the near future"

Nintendo, the Japanese gaming company & the creator of Mario Bros, said that they do not have any plans, at least in the near future, about cutting the Wii's price. With a tough six months for the company's earnings which reported a $24.6 million loss, was due to weak Wii, Nintendo DS, and software sales. 

Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata, said "Of course, we cannot say [a Wii price cut] will never happen, but we are not thinking of it for the near future,". But how are they gonna improve the Wii's sales which was had a staggering demand after it was launched and Nintendo couldn't even keep up with it's demand? They said, they will be luring customers to buy the Nintendo Wii in bundles, yup bundles. 

"Iwata believes offering bundles is the best way to achieve that goal. Aside from the company's basic white and black bundles--which include the console, a Wii MotionPlus Remote, the Nunchuk controller, Wii Sports, and Wii Sports Resort for $200--Nintendo is also planning to sell a limited edition bundle that commemorates the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros."

Let's see where this bundling approach will lead them. 


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