March 29, 2012

Google Chrome 18 officially out from beta - brings in "faster and fancier graphics"

Google has officially made Chrome 18 available for update and download. Google Chrome 18.0.1025.142 is a major update, apparently, because it Chrome 18 "sped up graphics and drawing performance for users on capable hardware, and enabled fancier 3D content for other users on older computers." This version of Chrome also brings in the latest version of Adobe Flash. So for those who are using Chrome, update your browsers now to Chrome 18 by clicking through the Wrench button > About Google Chrome > and wait for it to download and install the newest version. Some of you might have the browser in automatic update so all you need to do is run the browser and it should notify you to relaunch it. You can also manually download it from the official download page.

For more information about the update head over here. For the technical details, here.


Google chrome 18 download said...

Google chrome is great! I used to use firefox for a few years ago, but now I give my heart for google chrome.

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