July 16, 2011

Microsoft's own social network, Tulalip, accidentally revealed?

Facebook, Twitter, and now Google has their own called Google Plus do we need more? Or will a few social networking site be fine? It seems that this is the time when social networks are at its high or peak. Why did I say that? Well, Google wouldn't make one if it was not an industry that would generate profit or increase their market cap, right? Aside from offering the people or the world a better way of engaging with your friends, they gotta to have seen that this industry is really a gold mine.

The photo you see above is a screenshot of a Microsoft website. Yup! It is also a social networking site. It's called Tulalip and according to socl.com the site is described simply: "With Tulalip you can Find what you need and Share what you know easier than ever."

If you try to click on that link (above) the site will now tell you:
"Thanks for stopping by.
Socl.com is an internal design project from a team in Microsoft Research which was mistakenly published to the web.
We didn’t mean to, honest"

According to other reports, Tulalip is said to be just an internal social network withing Microsoft. But, I doubt that this will be kept internal for a long time. Seems like Microsoft is brewing Facebook killer? Or rather a Google Plus Facebook killer?

Source: Neowin 


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