May 3, 2011

Twitter acquires TweetDeck for $50 million

TechCrunch is reporting that according to their sources, Twitter have acquired TweetDeck for $50 million in stock (Twitter) and cash. So what does this acquisition mean? The techblog is suggesting that this might be a defensive move for Twitter since TweetDeck, back in February, was offered to be acquired by UberMedia for $25 - $30 million. For those who do not know, UberMedia owns UberSocial, EchoFon, Twitdroyd, and Popurls. With that many acquisitions UberMedia has a large market share for the Twitter client market and if they did acquire TweetDeck, UberMedia is a leader.

TweetDeck still remains to be the gem when it comes to Twitter Clients. It is still the most popular, no doubt about that. So to disrupt that UberMedia-TweetDeck deal, Twitter made a move and acquired TweetDeck and is successful in doing so.

I really do not know what will be the effect with this acquisition. But one thing is for sure. The Twitter client industry is so influential that even Twitter had to act before they own all Twitter users. Other popular client for Twitter and other social networking sites is Seesmic.

Update: Mashable and SlashGear are suggesting that this acquisition will eventually end TweetDeck. Mashable reports that 40% of tweets comes from 3rd party apps and TweetDeck is, like what I have said, is the leader of the band. This is actually not good at all for Oh well, they are saying that the announcement of the acquisition will be done within the next few days.

"The acquisition would be an agreeable end to a somewhat testy relationship between TweetDeck and Twitter. " - Mashable


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