February 20, 2011

My Take: The Nokia-Microsoft partnership

Stephen Elop (Left) & Steve Ballmer (Right)
Nokia, the Finnish phone manufacturer that desperately needs something or someone to pull itself back together and Microsoft, the company we all know have recently announced a partnership that, I believe would push the two companies forward.

The partnership is primarily about Nokia making Microsoft's (and the youngest mobile platform) as their "ecosystem" of choice, the Windows Phone 7 OS. Aside from that, there are certain agreements between the two giants, like Nokia's ability to customize and do anything with the platform and Nokia's use of Bing search to power "search services across Nokia devices and services".

This is where my personal opinion comes in. I have not yet seen or have used a Windows Phone 7 device. But base on photos and videos, I think and believe that the platform is sleek and is, for me, very beautiful to look at, you know the simplicity of the platform with the Zune inspired environment is pretty neat. Unfortunately, platforms (OS-es) today are not really about the usability of it but it is more likely that a person would choose a handset running on an OS that has tons of apps, agree? This is where the WP7 is not really at par with competitors like Android, iOS, and RIM's BlackBerry OS.

I believe that with Nokia's global position will help Microsoft push their platform forward and I believe that the platform on Nokia device will push and re-establish Nokia's position in the smartphone industry, most especially their presence in the US. Yes, I agree that the two companies need something or do something to pull this partnership but I admire Stephen Elop's vision

Talking about apps, "Nokia’s content and application store will be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience." This will definitely put a dent on the apps market. And oh, the concept phone design of a Nokia device running on WP7 is sweet.

Scobleizer posted about this too, I was actually inspired by his post. And I totally agree with him, not to say that I have used a WP& device but I think WP7 is a good, if not great, platform.

Source: Nokia


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