November 1, 2010

Sprint fires up 4G in New York City

Sprint has officially started it's 4G operation in New York and in 5 other locales, extending their 4G reach to more and more of it's customers. Sprint has opened up for business with it's WiMax, 4G network in New York City (NY), Hartford (CT), New Brunswick (NJ), Trenton (NJ), and Tampa (FL).
“Sprint has provided customers with 4G service since 2008 and we’re proud to extend our leadership to six more cities today, including New York City,” said Sprint’s president of 4G, Matt Carter. “Sprint is the first national wireless carrier to make 4G a reality for our customers and with the addition of these six new markets we are now in 61 cities, including Chicago, Baltimore and Houston, and are growing. By the end of the year Sprint 4G plans to light up several major new markets including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Denver and Washington DC to name a few.” - BGR

Source: BGR



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