August 11, 2011

Facebook launches a new mobile messaging app to Android and iOS

Facebook have released a new messaging app to both the iPhone and Android yesterday. The app will be separate from the official Facebook app on these devices and is expected to give you a faster way to send messages to your friend on Facebook. You can get the application by heading over here.

"The Messenger app is an extension of Facebook messages, so all your conversations are in one place, including your texts, chats, emails and messages. Whether you're on your phone or on the web, you can see the full history of all your messages."

Facebook Messenger also allows you to send messages to a group of people, aside from a one-on-one exchange of messages. Since the name of the application is a "messenger" this should also work just like you are chatting with your friends on Facebook.

You can also put your location on your message, so your friends can immediately know where you are at the moment you sent the message. Also, aside from putting your location, you can also attach photos.

Source: Facebook


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