May 5, 2011

Google Maps updated to version 5.4.0 search history in tow

Google have updated their Google Maps to version 5.4.0 and is now available at the Android Market for download. Of course, with all other updates out there this one comes with bug fixes and whatnots but the most important thing that this version of Google Maps is Search History. The feature will save searched using Google Maps and when you search for locations your history will popout below the search box.

"The good news about this feature, is that if you jump onto a computer after doing searches on your phone, Google will remember and offer them up as potential results. They also tossed in additional business info on search results, but we’re still trying to figure out if that means from the map like you are seeing below with the star rating, or from the actual business page. Oh, and they also started a beta program for reporting “destination not here”. " - DroidLife

Source: DroidLife 


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